
I think adding Heuristics to Avast Standard shield and other plugins would be the way to go for better protection what do you think most AV have today.

We have discuss this before, avast! does have Heuristics but only for email shields. Adding Heuristics might cause more resources taking up from your memory. Besides, updates are giving daily and you got alot enough shields to even protect your firewall. :wink:

Heuristics for standart shield might be good idea, but it’s a slippy thing, then talking about increased false alarms. avast! provides super quick and small updates, so it’s godd for me as it is. 8)

Heuristics is a good idea but I think Avast needs to improve its detection rate and scanning speeds.

I am currently testing AntiVir Free Edition with heuristics on high, and scan files on read and write. It seems very fast, faster than Avast and memory usage is very low.

Performing a full HD scan including archives is much faster than Avast without scanning archives.

On another note, I have been paying close attention to Jotti over the past 5 days and I have seen AntiVir detect way more than avast. In excess of 30 times AntiVir + others have detected things avast has missed . I doubt is was due to heuristics and it wasnt the same thing 30 times ;D

I did see Avast sometimes detect one or two things AntiVir didnt get.

Im am not sure if the free Antivir is as efficient as the paid version, something I will ask later over at their forums.

Fully agree.

For me the same. The ‘excuse’ of false positives works only if the Heuristic is very aggressive. Maybe a level control could make avast better adding Heuristics. AntiVir Heuristic, for me, was not that good on virus macro detection: too many false positives, specially in old Word files (Office 87\2000).

For me, it’s almost the same with avast. The faster one for me is AVG.

Quick? I don’t think this nowadays… Adding signatures is not as fast as it used to be :stuck_out_tongue:

Daily? I’m not that self confident :stuck_out_tongue:

There is no doubt that AVG’s scan is faster than avast! (I can’t comment on AntiVir as I have never used it). However, I believe we have to be careful that we are comparing like for like, in what AVG scans (more importantly doesn’t scan) and to what depth/sensitivity.

I think that Avast MUST have heuristics.The detection rates will be beter with it, even and with some fals alarms, also there are fals alarms even now.

My views on Heuristics have been mentioned elsewhere in these forums (I’m generally in favour), but if they are introduced avast! must make it very clear that the detection is Heuristic.

We need a different voice and pop alert for Heuristics detections (making it clear to move it to the chest, send it to avast, don’t offer the delete option), otherwise many people will simply delete as their first option as many people do already. This can do a great deal of harm to the users system not to mention avast’s good reputation if it turns out to have been a false positive.

There is already confusion over the Web Shield alarm (seen in the many threads in the forums) as many users believe that the virus alert ‘There is a virus on your computer’ is true and go looking for it on their HDD when it has been dealt with by aborting the connection.

just make it an option to enable. if it’s off by default, people who could possibly be confused by false positives most likely won’t turn it on.

Heuristic analysis is a statistic “image factor” used by many applications (design, architecture, biology…) and it have sense only if the applied schemes are considered credibles. There’s no certainty in it and it offer a false sense of security (in my opinion)
when applied without criteria. The new, future malware maybe will be completely different and the actual heuristic scan values probably will not offer high degrees of security we imagine. For me is difficult to explain these things in english: excuse my errors.

Completely agree with you. For eg. sometimes I’m using Bit Defender Online Scaner to perfor additional system check as no AV’s which are perfect. I don’t think that heuristics is a thing which dramatically increases detection rates.

Well i think if done right we can straight a balance. NOD has proved it can be done.

Does Generic detectoin count as Heu?

AVG is just annoying as it is even with Heuristic install with it. If you want to have Heuristic along with avast! I suggest installing Anti Vir without the active guard enable.

+1 :wink:

I am patiently waiting for avast! 5… That sounds nice
+Heuristics (at least)
+Better Detenction Rate
+Faster Scanning

btw, I have seen updating antivir, avg , and pccillin (and norton with those manual updates)… None was as good as avast…