
Hello every one :wink:

Hey S_A_M.1990

Hello to you too (and welcome to the forum).

Thanks have i got the right part of the forum where you can just chat about anything?

Well this part of the forum is suppose to be talk or posts concerning “anything and everything about this board”. Sometimes the subject matter does stray from that when you read some of the posts. Anyway welcome to the forum. :slight_smile: The Off Topic part of the board where a person could talk about anything has been closed for the time being.

oooo ok thanks just wondering,i’m on a good few fourms.I just chat with everyone its good fun. ;D So i know how to work forum easy 8)

Ok, understand. Thanks for at least asking. But, the General Topic part of the forum as I say is to talk about anything concerning Avast or other things that have been discussed here in the forum. We try not using the General section of the forum for chatting like you would in a Chat program. :slight_smile:

There used to be an off topic forum for things like that. Maybe again someday …

Ok thanks for telling me :smiley:
I’m just going from forum to forum looking for idears for my forum i’m still not finshed,http://ultimateforum06.proboards79.com/index.cgi

Anyway got to go be back tomorrow,thanks bye guys

Ok, have a good day. :slight_smile:

In the General Part of the forum we try to keep all posts Avast and Computer related