hi folks...no good

so recently avast caught three virus at same time (or so) they were all trojans. first two was both from a weather program that i had for long time, both files was weathereye.dll weathereye.exe i didnt bother so i put both in vault but the next one was straight from C:windows/system32 it was called MADCHOOK.dll and avast recommended put in vault.later on when i restarted my pc when i got to the main page first thing i saw was winsys2.exe component not found(this application couldn’t start because MADCHOOK.dll is not found. reinstalling this application might fix) so i though the virus was still in the registry so i bought a registry cleaner but after doing few scans it came out with 24 errors left in my windows user’s account error section and they cannot be fixed, in fact when i click repairs errors the counter it says…errors on registry: 24…errors erased to registry: 0
so i am still getting the MADCHOOk.dll not found when i start pc and im wondering if those three trojans avast caught(Weathereye.dll, Weathereye.exe and MADCHOOK.dll) are false or wrong or w/e. I would like to be informed please if theres anyway i can work out something on my case

Hi, rizla, welcome to the forum.
It is quite possible they are FP’s, and related to a faullty database release - now fixed - a few days ago.
See here, for weathereye, and here for madchook.

Please update the VPS (if it hasn’t been automatically done already), start the AV, open the chest, and right click each file in turn; command a rescan. When/if it scans clean, it can be restored.

If it does not scan clean, please post back with the full name of any file that is still listed as infected.

Hope this fixes it all up. Seems a fair chance it will.

so it should be restored at the right place?? cuz it still in the chest but i did clicked on restore (they we’re all scanned with no virus)

That’s right. A copy of restored files is retained in the chest.
Once you are satisfied the file has restored OK, and the associated program operating correctly, it can be deleted from the chest.
To be sure they have restored correctly (and they usually do, so it’s a “braces and belt” action), look to the original location, using windows explorer, and visibly check that the file concerned is in the folder, for each file.

Does everything seem to be working OK?

YES! thank you lol
i was hopping to fix my windows sensitivity with this…
since i bought this new logitech G5 mouse after setting up everything (including windows sens),when i restart pc, the windows sens reset to default(i set to 3/11 bar and it reset to 6/11). i looked around in my parameters if i happened to have a uncheck option to keep mouse savings but nothing so far. although i still get those 24 errors in windows user’s registry, unable to repairs( i have no clue why). I might just go post in their forum if theres anything…
thank you again

What registry cleaner did you use?
Can you list, or take a screenshot of these registry errors? “Unable to be deleted” usually indicates permissions have been set to disallow this. If indicated, those permissions can be changed.
Depends a bit on what the entries are, and what reg cleaner was used. (Some of them aren’t that great.)

pmd you
edit looks like i cant even pm you
i registered to uniblue registrybooster2010 and im pretty sure theres any complain about it
anyway i do have the results log u can go check via ur browser i copied the link but i dont think ima post here hence why i wanted to pm you it
here is wat i get

Yeah, don’t worry about those errors.
I’ve refreshed my awareness about this reg cleaner, and I’m afraid it look like there are a lot more bad than good user experiences associated with it.
I use TweakNow, or the reg cleaner in Ccleaner. Both have a reputation for not harming the computer, and both are free or have a fee version. But any reg cleaner can cause problems, if the wrong items are deleted. Where the option exists (and it always should) make sure a backup is made.

The screenshots you took show that there are 24 errors, that they are to do with missing or incorrect file associations, but doesn’t show the actual entries. That’s OK, leaving that alone is not going to make any difference to the computer performance.
Is this a trial version of Uniblue, that is asking for a payment before it will remove the problems? (Yes or no, I wouldn’t “fix” those “problems”, not without seeing them.)
Don’t go uninstalling this, yet, until we have an idea it has not done any harm. Do you have the feeling it may have done some good, following a registry clean?
Professional opinion is very divided about the need for reg cleaners. It seems a slight majority of the folk who really know about Windows consider them at best a waste of time, and at worst very damaging. Me, I don’t know enough. I think I’ve seen improvements from their use, (sometimes) but I don’t strongly recommend them, for the above reason. I’ve also borked a Windows installation by letting one clean stuff I shouldn’t have had cleaned.

The reason you can’t pm is because a forum policy was set to prevent spammers - which were a problem, pm-ing everyone with hundreds of spam messages. You can only use PM once you have 20 posts. (Spammers don’t last that long, here ;D. The forum is well and sensibly moderated.)

@ rizla

I agree with Tarq57 in that uniblue registrybooster2010 is not recommended.

Stay with CCleaner and TweakNow.

can i get refunded by these fool…?(ops)
i paid som nice money for four uniblue progs
i guess ill do a backup right now
any thoughts on why is my windows sensitivity is being set to default everytime i restart pc?

i paid som nice money for four uniblue progs i guess ill do a backup right now any thoughts on why is my windows sensitivity is being set to default everytime i restart pc?
It could possibly be because a reg setting was altered or removed by the reg cleaner. If there is a "restore backup" option in Uniblue - and there should be - try restoring the last backup, and see if it fixes it. If that doesn't, restore the backup prior to the last one (etc). Restart between each restore.

There should be a refund policy. Have a look at that and see where you stand. Persistence may be required.

Ccleaner and help files for it, (recommend to read enough of these so you are confident using it. You can clean stuff you might not want to.)
Both of these programs are very good.
It might be an idea to remove any changes that had been made with Uniblue, prior to uninstalling it.

Contact your Credit Card company right away and see if they can get you a refund.