hi frm port klang

hi forumers of avast…tq admin. for avast and forum too. just to share my experience this few days back…my lap top had been popped up with “search portal and what nots…” irritating cos i did not ask for that portal or websites…i was wondering what were my N_____ antivirus was doing for my computer proctection.to my suprise it was disabled and i could not activate it…so what is the point of having that particular antivirus that was supposed to protect my laptop…
it was like having a nightmare as they (whatever could we called by names…hackers …hijackers …whatever even disrupted my internet connection too.)
so comes avast as recommended by my community websites…i have using it now…at first these culprits tries to do the same again…as for now about one hr at this time of posting i am having peace again …lets hope it will last…tq admin and avast… :slight_smile:

glad you are using avast!-have used it for @5 years and won’t use anything else on my computers :wink:
you cannot have two anti-virus resident software on your computer at the same time-they will conflict with each other and if you did uninstall norton it still leaves left-over files on your computer-use the below link to clean norton off your computer all the way 8)

tq drhayden…did as your advice…so far so good …there were many intrusion attemps that avast had aborted…for info the culprits were…donchef…tytukas…search portal (russian i presume )
i have been awake whole night to monitor the situation …now is 0620hrs malaysian time.,feel sleepy now…tq again …see u soon. ;D

The current time in Malaysia is
6:36 AM
Sunday, May 13, 2007
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5:36 PM
Saturday, May 12, 2007
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glad i could could help-this forum is always here in case you need help :wink:
get some sleep :o
