Hi, problem with definition of virus help me pls!

Hi, is some time that I don’t write here, but I encoutr a new problem, so…
…I have formated my pc some days ago for an incompatibility between 2 antivirus programs (one was avast and the other one was a program that some one else install on the pc).
After the formattation I reinstall only avast on the pc, I succesfull installed avast 7, but the problem is that the program can not make daunload for new definitions of virus.

What can be the problem and how I can solve it? tenx and sorry for my bad english.

Ps. The pc is with Windows Xp home edition Sp3, Intel Celeron CPU 1.99Ghz and 480Mb RAM.
The program Avas write version ov virus 121026-0.

Set avast! to: Direct Connection (No Proxy)

I not undestand what you mean and how I do it?
The problem is the same if the down load of the definitions is set on auto. You mean that?

Ok I go on direct connection … befor was auto serch (Explorer), but the problem remain the same. I steel read in red “Virus version 121026-0”…


see screenshot #54


“My computer is permanently connected to the internet”

I set avast on direct connection and no proxi, I try to change sets of windows firewall, but problem remain…

did you restart computer after you changed the settings?
does it work if you do a manuall update?
any other security programs installed?

The new settings are permanently the days after to, but the problem remain.
I have not other programs now tath can conflict because the Pc was formatted max 1 month ago…

I try download the vps new version from avast site because download from program don’t work; the download was succesfull, but wen I start the .exe program that I dowloaded here:


It say this Error:

“Can’t install VPS update. Plase, report following errorcodes
Ver 7.0.1474
SI: 0x00000002
ST: 0x20000011
LE: 0x00000000.”

Some one can tell me what is the point?
My pc is Itel Celeron (R) 1.99 Ghz and 480 Mb Ram (rigth clik on desktop icon). The Ram is 512 Mb in one slot; is it normal that pc write 480 Mb?

Ok, I chose to unistal the program and reinstall it, because when I tryed “adjust program” and download new vps from instal/uninstal section of windows it was crushing.
I download again the program on desktop and wen I try instal it say error:
"An error 1006 (000003EE) has occured
Last performed operation was:
opening the self-extract archive

Try to download file again."

What can be the problem???

Ok I’m now with out avast program installed…I’m unable to install it again.
The installation still crush all times…just like when I was tring the update of the virus definitions before…some one have some suggestions? At this point I think it deoend from some set of the pc; can be? Or maybe an insufficent processor?

seems you have windows xp which i notice that OS having alot of problems when newer softwares are out

So you mean my windows Xp home edition not work with avast 7? And maybe with a new version of avast it will work? What I can do so? :-\

Man If the problem is the program to big for my pc…I mean that avast need to not forghet lower pc. If it not work on this computer…I only can serch some one other program.
Before the program was sucking all the cpu and ram ??? and now it iven not install.

I only can serch some one other program

When you unistalled avast, did you use the avast removal tool, aswclear.exe, to capture any left over files before trying to reinstalled it? If you did, and are still having a problem getting the current avast release installed, you could try installing avast 7.0.1466 at http://www.oldapps.com/avast_antivirus.php?old_avast=8127, and see if it works for you. If you’re considering an alternative, give Microsoft Essentials a try.

Hi I try use the tool you say to, but notting change. I notice iven that my pc is more fast and less crush of windows happen now that I have not avast on my pc.
I try download last version 6 of Avast and the error message is the same. Some one have some other suggastions?

hi gpf,

Did you get aswclear.exe? http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility

  • Download and save this file to your desktop only. Do not save it anywhere else.
  • Go to Safe Mode.
  • Once in Safe Mode, choose your administrator account.
  • Doubleclick aswclear.exe.
  • Click browse and select all folders and files relating to all previous versions of Avast! starting with version 7.
  • Click REMOVE.
  • Reboot.
  • For version 6, repeat all steps above except you are looking for AWIL folders.
  • Reboot again.

Do not go online to get the new version of avast! unless you have antivirus protection. Do this before you remove avast!

To remove any other antivirus programs recently installed other than Avast! go here: http://singularlabs.com/uninstallers/security-software/

You say you reformatted XP one month ago. Did you get all your drivers you need, including motherboard drivers? Is your system up to date to Service Pack 3, and all Microsoft security updates downloaded and applied?