Hi ! : )

Newbie reporting !
I’ve recently tried installing an anti-virus program only to find it would take FOUR hours to download. Not believing this, I tried contacting them for answers. Confusing ! Couldn’t get signed in to the forums, etc. One problem after another.
So, ok…hope Avast will be different. Gonna try this program. Unless it takes four hours…I’ll go without protection & take my chances. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello Savannah,

welcome to the forum! :wink:

Well, I think so and…

…I’m a Newbie, too! ;D

Are you using a dial-up?
Seems a very poor download rate, but, indeed, the setup is a big file (mostly due to the virus database). The further updates are incremental and generally small.
What other problems are you experiencing?

Well the avast 5.0 free antivirus is about a 40MB download and on my dial-up I use 4 minutes per MB as a very rough guide (though at times it is quicker 3.5 min per MB), so working on that avast would take about 2 and a half hours.

Welcome to the forums.

I totally agree that dial-up is rather slow and I passed with that also~
Now I am using My.t from Orange a company!

Reason :
I played too much with the dial-up that my dad paid Rs 3600 only for the connection

Now my.t a with a lot faster connection speed and which is unlimited, each month it costs only Rs 700 exactly
My dad decided to put it ;D

@ Savannah22

You can check you speed here


Welcome,it seems your internet connection has a pretty low speed. Hope you can get you want from avast!

What I would recommend with a dial-up is to add a booster like wanadoo booster/something like that~

Boosters are generally a waste of time on .exe downloads as for the most part, they are already compressed.

I tried one and had it less than a week and found it to be virtually useless. It made no difference to downloads at all (what I said above) and browsing made little difference either, so much so that they gave me a refund.

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Yes, a real waste of time and some tweakers just mess your settings and it won’t revert it to default on its own

Oh I see :slight_smile:
Before I was using that reducing images quality and improving speed a bit!

David, I’m surprised you can get a meg every 3-4 minutes on dialup, …

Oops, I’m messing up my math … back when I was on dialup, I could count on about 12-15 MB an hour, maybe 18 if lucky, from any reasonably decent server, which is in the same ballpark as your figures. On DSL with FDM (FreeDownloadManager), I’m much more aware of how good the source server is or isn’t … if it’s good I can usually get around 25-30 KB/sec per section, or in the range of 250-300+ if the file’s big enough to justify using 10 sections. Call it just about the same figure in MB/min as I used to get per hour.

Getting stuff from MS servers is a whole 'nother story … even with resume permitted and 10 sections active, 6 or 7 KB/sec total is more typical.

Hehehe I am more terrifying watching videos with a 56kb connection lolz in youtube through that’s why it was costy!!

Just for my information

Which software was you using?

Um…it was wanadoo booster I think :slight_smile:

hi you can also check the speed of your internet at http://www.ip-details.com/ here they provide you good results .you can check your speed and compare it with other results.

I wouldn’t bother with ip-details.com, aside from it not having a good rep at WOT. You don’t get to select your server it uses scanmyspeed.com (failed miserably to even report my speed) and also speedtest.net (mini which isn’t accurate), so the best advice is go to the source not a thirdparty speed check.

Not to mention you failed to notice Savannah22 is on dial-up and these speed tests can be pretty inaccurate on dial-up connections.