
Is there any chance that Avast! Home could interfer with my WinXP Pro Pentium 4, 2.8 gigahertz computer from hibernating.

I removed two Avast! items from my msconfig StarUp group and the computer hibernated. I then enabled them and rebooted and it still hibernated! Before I disabled the items the computer wouldn’t hibernate.


Hybernation/suspend mode has nothing to do with Avast. Some systems have problems when they try to come out suspend mode. I suggest you disable suspend mode. You can read how to do it at this site > http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/pro/using/howto/security/hibernate.asp

Sorry, but I have to disagree. :wink: On my PIV 3.0 gH Ram 512 Mb WXP, Avast actually blocks the hibernate process (it comes to the “Hibernating” screen and it doesn’t go any further, so that I have to crash my pc to restart working). >:( My computer is hibernation-enabled: indeed, when I stop all the protection servers, my computer does hibernate. :o It doesn’t when the scanners are active. I’ve had this problem since the 4 version (when I first installed avast!).

If you disable the VRDB generation (icon ‘i’ or the submenu at ‘a’ icon) will it help?
Sometimes it’s not avast (scanning) who could block the hibernation…
Mine is working 8)
Do you install all MS patches and updates?

You can also try to switch the database from ODBC to XML, e.g. using Rejzor’s avast! External Control tool.