Hibernation problem after installing Win SP2


I use avast for home in french, so perhaps it’s a small bug, but I’ve had a problem after installing the Windows XP SP2 : I was unabled to enter in hibernation mode, and I got the following error in the “event watcher” (I don’t really know the name of this XP component in english) :
Source : FTDISK
ID Event : 45
Description :“Le système n’a pas pu charger le pilote du fichier de vidage sur incident.”
Something like : the system could not load the driver of the dump file.

I’ve just uninstall / reinstall avast, and now it seems to work, so I’ve just posted this mail in case someone else had this problem.

Thanks for posting that information, Big K. I am sure it will help someone. :slight_smile:

And Welcome to the forums! :smiley: