Hi Pondus,
Well good you dug that up. Here I am gonna give some more resources to demonstarte this is real adware/traceware that should be blocked
There certainly is a background for the W32.HfsIframe.897d detection from Bkav.
According to kraken’s virus tracker destination is Ghosted: dg.specificclick dot net,Ghosted,
This is a spyware/adware offender → http://www.webutations.org/go/review/dg.specificclick.net
This iFrame redirect is also found in SiteMeter code, read: http://www.stopthehacker.com/2009/11/24/whats-up-with-sitemeter/
Destination site was also associated with Palevo worm and other trojans - see WOT report:
Also read here on this spyware that has been around for years now: http://doien.blogspot.nl/2007/04/adware-spyware-paying-attention.html
link article author = Derrick Oien