So I made a some of careless mistakes in handling some virus’ and now i’m not sure wether I’m still infected or not because my comp is acting suspicious.
It started yesterday, my friend sent me a virus link via facebook without knowing. It automatically "like"ed websites i didn’t. i googled it and found out it was a virus. So, I ran my free Avast and it showed nothing, so i didn’t think too much about it, but changed all my passwords just in case.
Fast-forward to today; going to my normal sites, suddenly utorrent pops open and tells me i want to download torrent file “like.php” and i was all ?!? cause i always deactivate utorrent when I’m not using it. Of course, I refused the download and shut utorrent back off and ran avast right away. It now came up with 5 virus’ but they could not be put into my virus chest, so i deleted them. I ran nother virus scan and nothing came up. I decided to look in my virus chest again and behold, a new trojan that I had never added(windows/32 somthing or rather), and the date was all wierd so… I deleted it (totally realizes now that that was probably a big mistake–;). Run a few more scans, nothing pops up.
About an hour later, my windows firewall turns itself off, so i deciced to dl and run malwarebites. It finds 5 things and fixes them or so i assume. It restarts my computer and thinking I’m cured, I uninstalled it and deleted the info it gave me. Now, my windows firewall deactivated every 40-50 minutes and idk why. Since then, I looked everywhere, ran avast multipul times, re-dl malwarebytes and ran more scans and nada, registry mechanic ect. Dont have any 3rd party firewalls.
Other than what I have mentioned in the above, I have not changed any settings or dl-ed anything new.
My system is Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2002 service pack 3. My pc is Hewlett-Packard Company Hp Pavilion Intel(R) Pentium(r) D CPU 3.00GHz 3.00GHz 2.00GB of RAM . Idk if that helps, but just in case…
I’m not really tech savy, so if this is a stupid problem, or if I cause this problem myself, I am sorry :-[ Sorry for it being so long, and Thank You for reading this, I hope someone can help me. Thanks Again.