For 1 month, I found that the program maintains constant connections with remote addresses. Is this normal?
What do you mean exactly…? Please be more specific…!
I guess avast = the program…? But which avast? Where does it connect to constantly…?
Aren’t you referring to the web shield “connections”?
avast needs to scan the http traffic so you’ll see “connections”. In fact, it just scans the connections made by other programs (like a proxy behavior).
he might also be referring to AvastUI connections ;D …but let’s wait for his answer. He’s saying constant connections to remote addresses, …which isn’t the same as to say that something is connecting constantly. So chances are big it’s not the web shield
thank you all for your attention
if I run netstat-b, remote addresses are set by tcp ports with my ip address, and by, from avastsvc.exe.
Furthermore, also addresses such www: are established by, unable to specify property.
Any ideas? is localhost. Seems web shield scanning.
okay so that’s the web shield
avastsvc.exe listens to any traffic related to the shields (web/mail/p2p/etc…)
Nevertheless there should be no constant ‘active’!! connection, if all net-related programs are closed.
It will still listen to the ports to catch any traffic, though…
Indeed, if I were using iexplorer, it doesn’t alert me for that. But with no open program or no operating, traffic is constant, and from the program with the local ip address to public Internet addresses. So I ask if the program requires constant access to the Internet to automatic scan files, or maybe I have a virus.
So I ask if the program requires constant access to the Internet to automatic scan files, or maybe I have a virus.
Yes, as the program acts like a local proxy.
All up/downloads will be scanned by the different avast shields…!
Here’s a sample, while being connected to the forum…
See screenshot…! (Sorry, it’s german, but I guess you can still see, what it means…)