I use Outpost Pro and I wasn’t aware it was also 64bit just checked and yes it is. However there have been people having problems with the latest updates of version 4.0 I still have 4.0.971. There have been recent 4.0.1005 and 4.0.1007 (rectifying problems with 1005). So at the moment I’m sitting tight on the earlier 4.0.971 version.
While researching for a friend, I discovered there are few software firewalls available for 64 bit
machines; the only FREE ones I found was the Outpost and GhostWall; the latter I found while
looking through the Forums at Wilderssecurity, with a link of www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=99345
I’m posting a link to the thread where you first posted so if we need to refer back to the original symptoms, steps taken, etc we don’t have to search for it