I never experienced it before but its a nightmare with common non-Microsoft security softwares (like AVAST) and having Windows Updates installed since a month or so. What’s going on??? Only running “naked” with Windows Vista Firewall and Norton AV can you succeed in installing them all!!! I’m surprised and worried. ::slight_smile:
Anyways, I installed AVAST but I had to shut it down to succeed. It’s not normal way of doing things, anyways!

Anybody with Spywareblaster, ST, Comodo, Avast and OnLineArmor Firewall is experiencing these problems??? ???

Hey gdiloren, i’m not sure i understand exactly what you meant with your first post. For the second one though i see you mention 3 different HIPS programs(ST,Comodo,OA) 2 of them being firewalls aswell. If you have HIPS running with all 3 of them than i guess that is your problem. Add to that 2 firewalls on the same machine and no wonder you have problems. Get rid off one of those firewalls and make sure you only have HIPS enabled in one of those programs not in both/all of them. My suggestion would be to use the Comodo HIPS and firewall and disable the HIPS in Spyware Terminator.

Neither do I. Can you rephrase?

I’ll go further. Disable ST and run it only on-demand.

No, No. I reinstalled Vista and tried the Windows Update:
A) Whitout any third party software
B) With Comodo AVAST and ST (RP on and HIPS off)
C) With ONLINE ARMOR FREE (HIPS on) AVAST and ST (RP on and HIPS off)
Only A works fine, B) forced me to reinstall windows due to a bad installation with SP1, C) caused some trouble with some of the latest updates this month and I had to shut the third party softwares down to achieve the Windows Update installation. This is ackward and not too normal. I’d like Microsoft to work in conjunction with those third party softwares to solve the problem. :-[

Now I’m using Comodo (and Defense+) and latest updates of Vista came smoothly to my computer :wink: