Hitman Pro inDemand Scan detected a virus in avast folder

See attachment for the screen shot…

afwServ.exe is reported Malware

a virus definition inside avast folder was reported as Malware

I need a fast response here because I do not know what will I gonna do :frowning:

I use avast 2014 beta (virus database not updating,like any other else)

Thankyou avast team.

afwServ.exe is avast! firewall service. It is OK. sf2.dll in Defs is streaming avast! update also OK.

You can report this as safe to SurfRight, click on the right on quarantine and at the bottom of the list should
be the option report the fie as safe.

Also consider these info: http://processchecker.com/file/afwServ.exe.html
Some historical notes on the process: http://searchtasks.answersthatwork.com/tasklist.php?File=afwServ


Thanks polonus. Good list for afwServ.exe.