Because he has not got the time for it anymore, because of his studies, the developer of HighJackThis Marijn Bellekom has sold HJT to TrendMicro, as he informs us here:
If TrendMicro is the right party to develop HJT further is questionable. We like to thank Marijn for his assistance in fighting malware (think also of CWShredder) and in defending against the true vampyres of the Internet.
Yes there is an entry for the HJT beta 2.0.0 Trend Micro version in the >> Updates << topic.
I downloaded it and compared to the 1.99.1 it detects more stuff that isn’t recorded in 1.99.1, scarred the daylights out of me to find many entries.
Some 04 entries, CTFMON.exe that don’t show up in either 1.99.1 or msconfig startup tab I thought I had disabled that.
Also two 022 entries for browseui.dll.
Two 023 Services that have no associated file, one SEGB - Unknown owner and QG from Parallel Technologies, Inc. The services are set to manual so I can only assume that it is for something I have uninstalled that hasn’t cleaned house properly.