Home 4.8 install or B's CLiP shut down coincidence?

Hi all new to this forum

I don’t know if this is a coincidence or not. But after updating to avast home 4.8, everytime I try to turn off my PC I get these messages:
IN CD still writing, unable to shut down system. Please shutdown the system after writing was completed. OK.

B’s CLiP, End program, this program is not responding.

I don’t have B’s CLip software installed. Using Win XP Home, AOL Broadband

Thanks in advance for any help given.

Hmmm… are you sure your computer is clean (not infected)?

B’s CLiP is UDF packet writing software for rewritable CDs and DVDs (you can find many Google references to it).
So are you really using InCD like features? If not then probably you have some extra software installed which is not used.

I don’t know was really possible interaction between avast 4.8 and InCD tested or not?

Thanks for your help and comments so far.

I have scanned my PC with Avast, Spybot and adaware, nothing showed up. I also have Spyblaster installed. I’m still getting IN CD and B’s CLiP messages when shutting down my Computer. Could these still be a virus or malware? Or is it a software conflict with Avast 4.8 Home.

Avast 4.7 picked up malware on Wednesday night, I logged off, done a quickscan with Avast and nothing was found. Does Avast pick up viruses etc on a website before infecting your PC or only infections that are on your PC?

The only 2 differences made to my PC were Avast highlighting Malware (but later not showing up in a quickscan) and upgrading to Avast 4.8 Home. This problem didn’t appear before these incidents.

Thanks once again for your help and advice.

I forgot to mention that I do have a copy of NERO 5 Burning Rom on my PC. This may be in conflict with Avast 4.8?

I have no idea where the B’s CLip message comes from.

Thanks in advance for any help given.

InCD installs its own drivers including filesystem one. So it can interact in some way with avast filesystem filter. Problem that your Nero version (5) is rather old. So the question is: are you using InCD features or not? For burninng disks only they are not required.

It shouldn’t conflict. I used InCD until 2004 and avast (maybe 4 or 4.1 at that time).

Problem fixed. I uninstalled Nero 5.

Thanks for your help!

Well… a hard way… how will you burn CD/DVD now?

Hmm … I have InCD and Nero Express 5.5 running on my old Windows XP system along with avast 4.8 without any apparent problems.