After on-line upgarding avast home 4.1 to 4.1.357 i experienced endless crashes. It’s this same with ABC 2.6.1, ABC 2.6.5 and Shadow 5.8.11 - wxmpython or BT issue, i don’t no. It’s in 1-2 day period.
With older version of avast home ed 4.1 i have 1-2 week uptime with BT always running and manualy restart XP system for maintenance.
Im using Shadow Experimental and its working fine. Is it crashing only when avast! needs to check downloaded files or randomly?
It crashes with feew small file in queue after 4 hour or 1-2 day (feew fil already dowloaded) or with 1 big batch torrent 4GB after 1-2 day. Disable P2P resident scanner not helping. Standard scanner then?
Without avast! it’s stable again (msconfig - disable load avast!).
And when i use Shadow it’s crashes before 2 hour.
I also suspect the latest version of Avast Home making crashes on my computer. The computer suddenly restarts and an error log saying the crash is due to an unknown device driver appears. I have XP-Pro.
Send me a few most recent files from the \windows\minidump folder…
As for me, i don’t have it. I have disabled this function in my XP.
Wellcome back Vlk ;D We miss you :-*
And would it be possible for you to reenable the option temporarily? It may help us to solve the problem…
Note that the minidump files are very small.
I have a similar problem. Since install, each time I try to use my floppy disk drive I crash to blue screen stating possible device driver problem including AV progs. How do I send my minidump files as I cannot attach them here. Thanks
You can send them by e-mail to