“The scan completed with error: 42040 = VPS file was destroyed”

Avast 4.7 Home Edition; no problems for over two years, ran ashquick.exe, needed to get out of the scan, stopped it and now above message appears. The program is now totally useless as nothing is working. Any advice as to how to proceed from here?

Have you tried a manual VPS update ?

Or avast! VPS Update - Manual Download - For updating an off-line systems (or repair in your case), download using a system with internet connection, save the file to a CD or USB drive and transfer it to the off-line system and run it to update the VPS signatures file.

Can still do that on my own system; shows both program and vps already up to date but I’m unable to scan or start on-access protection where no providers are shown; log files still exist; i.e. I can’t do anything with Avast other than view the log or try to update, all serices are stopped; tried Avast On Line virus check too - no viruses, no worms, no trojans; guess there’s only uninstall/reinstall?

P.s. well, what a surprise! Before I posted this I did once more a Windows restart but this time right after the attempted update and everything seems to be back to normal, am running another scan right now.

Sure would like to know what the cause of it all; anybody from Avast reading this, what’s error 42040?

42040 AVAST_VPS_INVALIDCOMPRESSION [VPS file was destroyed]

A list of error codes can be found by using the “SEARCH” button and are in this post by PK …


Sometimes, this is the only solution for vps destroyed error…