Home edition Expired??

;D greetings - have enjoyed very much Avast A/V for Home, it has saved my comp a few times from hostile aliens - but now i get the red flag that says “error attempting to update”, and i see on INFO that my reg key has expired. ???

may i install a new version or is this only for a year evaluation?

i would be happy to subscribe but i have no credit card :-[ so am stuck.

i dont want to go back to rotten McAfee, its worthless!! >:(

any info apreciated (please send advice), anyway thanks again for a great product while it lasted.


Your home version free registration is valid for 14 months, all you need do is register again and you will be sent a new key for a further 14 months free.

avast! 4 Home Registration
Q: My licence key has expired, what to do? http://www.avast.com/eng/my_licence_key_has_e.html

Just re-register your email to get another key for free. ;D

:smiley: thanks all, will try! thanks thanks thanks!!!


Your welcome, remember after a year, you’ll have to get a new key by re-registering your email. It will always be free if your using home edition. :slight_smile:

;D ;D ;D

… its alive!


tnx again, new lease on life!

best wishes, warmest regards,
da imp