As subject title states.
Using Avast Internet Security version 11.1.2253
Windows 10 pro 64 Bit
Verification is a pain in the a… :o
As subject title states.
Using Avast Internet Security version 11.1.2253
Windows 10 pro 64 Bit
Verification is a pain in the a… :o
Thank you for reporting this.
For analysis we need some logs.
First enable debug logging: GUI → Settings → General → Maitenance → Enable debug logging
Then reproduce the issue (Run Home Network Security scan).
Then create support package and submit it (guide here: and send us the ID of created package so we can find it.
Thank you,
I have done as requested, (hopefully correctly) as I am a computer illiterate.
Ticket number #270451
If need any further info, will catch up tomorrow.
Thank you,
We were able to reproduce the issue and are working on a fix.
We’ll post an update here, once it is available.
Okay will wait for the update notification.
Also I have updated to version 11.2.2260
After updating to version 12.1. 2772, have ran several network scans and all have completed without any problems.
MMMMMMMMMMM Spoke to soon. :o
Now get instead of still running, now I get waiting.
Will start a new Topic