Home Version not working

??? A message board I belong to recommended Avast for virus protection and I’ve loved it since I downloaded it… even suggested it to everyone who would listen. When the trial was up, I went online to register and realized home versions were free, so I uninstalled the professional version and downloaded the home version. But now my computer isn’t protected. I don’t know what’s wrong. Resident Protection wont stay enabled and I’m getting emails with obvious viruses in the attached files. Have I done something wrong or is the home version not as reliable as the Pro version? Thanks.

The home version is the same as the pro version. Except the pro version is more configurable and has things like script blocking.

  • Use the Avast uninstall util from HERE to remove Avast.
  • Reboot
  • Reinstall Avast Home

See if that solves it.

Thank you… that worked!