Home version XP Scheduled task hangs at 11 minutes CPU


i followed the excellent instructions for scheduling an XP task for the Home version…
i can see it start and run, and ashQuick.exe accumulates CPU time until just over 11 minutes… then hangs forever… the Scheduled task stays at ‘running’ and no more CPU used by ashQuick

i looked at the shceduled task log, but nothing is there… is there another log (the one i set up in teh regular interface is not created when the scheduled task is run)

a manual scan completes fine.

thank-you for any help!

ashQuick.exe does not generate reports.
Scheduling and full reporting are restricted to the Professional version of avast.
Maybe you can start the scanning by running the command and not scheduling it. Then you would be seen the scanning interface and could see at which file the scanning is being halted.