hope someone can tell me what this is and why

I just set up user accounts for my 2 children to have limited access, now i notice in my avast logs under error and warning i get these same items…1156 AAVM-scanning error: x_AavmCheckFileDirectEx: avfiles… and 1604 and same thing what is it and why is this showing up in logs for both children?

Can you provide details of software used to execute limited access for your children. There has been dialog in Avast forum concerning pros and cons of such software and how they may run with Avast.

I have windows xp sp3 all i did was set up user accounts for them with limited access

Welcome to Avast forum

Does the computer not post an error message to the interface? Then not critical. I dont think you have a problem as such. But best to know systems you are using.

From what I gather limited access in xp also returns limited access to Avast scanner services, where admin account will then take over the role as sentinel for limited access users. So where limited user oversteps priviliges, a log will be generated to record the event.

Best I can do for now.
There has been some dialog in the forum on this issue, so likely to be a reply post from someone.