Horrific Multiple Breeches of Trust from Avast

I am absolutely FURIOUS FURIOUS FURIOUS beyond belief with AVAST right now. I have lost so much trust in them.

I had ALWAYS had avast set to MANUAL update, however today it took it upon itself to f***ing update automatically, and not only that it rebooted my pc automatically while I was not at my pc, I lost work as a result of it. I am so so furious with this.

NOT ONLY THAT… but it TOOK IT UPON ITSELF to install “Avast SafeZone Browser” without any permission whatsoever from myself

So I consider this three breeches of trust in a row, not only did you disregard my “MANUAL UPDATE” settings that I am very very careful to set and maintain but you then cheekily RE-booted my pc, with absolutely no permission whatsoever, and last but not least installing mystery software without my permission that had not been vetted my myself.

To make matters worse, I can’t seem to be able to get rid of this “Avast SafeZone Browser” at all. I’m not sure how easy or hard this is to uninstall on windows 7 or indeed 10, I am using windows 8 and there is MOST CERTAINLY no Avast icon, or anything whatsoever pertaining to Avast within my control panel, (and yes I have all icons set to show).

This is shocking… and I am beyond fury with what happened AND the fact you have made is “cunningly” not as straight forward to un-install as it should be, at least for windows 8 users.

A sting of consecutive bad moves on avast’s part has degraded my trust in them so much I am at the point of abandoning my long-term loyalty toward them and seeking out something a little more honest and less intrusive.

Right now I need to know 2 things.

Why did avast ignore my manual update settings
How do I as quickly as possible purge this “Avast SafeZone Browser” existence off my system permanently.

with regards


Please (re)search before posting.

How do I as quickly as possible purge this "Avast SafeZone Browser" existence off my system permanently.
As has been explained many times already, you can add/remove it like any other component of avast.
Why did avast ignore my manual update settings
Because avast considered it as a application update and you have given permission to avast to install the update without any notice. Not that it is a nice way...

Also has been explained that they stopped doing it and it will not happen if you have the latest version of avast installed.

First of all rather then posting lazy ass reply such as “as has been explained” it might have been more constructive to link me to “said explanation” …

secondly have you even read what i said? I am perfectly aware of avast components dialog and I am perfectly aware of windows control panel, what i am asking is where is that icon to access the stupid components dialog in windows 8. As i CLEARLY stated I DON’T HAVE an avast icon or anything pertaining to avast in my windows control panel (i cant believe i have to rehash what i clearly wrote only mins ago)… i guess you just read from my post what you wanted to read.

and lastly, are you sick in the head?.. once again I clearly stated I had avast NOT TO AUTOMATICALLY UPDATE … EVER… i have both virus definition and program version set to MANUAL UPDATE only… so you give me the strong impression you read what you just wanted to read from my post.

I have since managed to find a way to gain access to the avast component dialog and got rid of this offending piece of software. As a user of avast I should not have to go sifting through forums looking for solutions that you f**ked up on.

There are facts here, and those facts clearly tell a story of breeches of trust, and perhaps even legalities, but I certainly don’t have the will or time to look into any potential legal breeches here.

How dare you give a half assed response intended to belittle the situation.

If you have nothing to say, don’t say it at all.

Thank you so much avast, its unlikely I will be continuing with my loyalty from the next major update.

With regards


First of all rather then posting lazy
If I was lazy, I wouldn't have post at all.
once again I clearly stated I had avast NOT TO AUTOMATICALLY UPDATE ... EVER... i have both virus definition and program version set to MANUAL UPDATE only
And the problem is ? You have given avast permission to roll-out pushed updates if they feel it is needed, and that is just what they did.
As a user of avast I should not have to go sifting through forums looking for solutions that you f**ked up on.
As a user you need to learn how to use the software that you install. Learn what options/settings it offers. I don't have anything to do with the roll-out of the SafeZone Browser. I do not work for avast.