hotmail please help!!!

:cry: im a big user of hotmail but i cant get in while this program is running…actually i cant get in even when its not running but when i turn the dam thing off it turns itself back on again…i think this so called anti-virus protector is itself a virus.

prove me wrong by telling me how to fix this id be very thankfull

also il just add this my dad installed this program not me…personally im very weary of all ani-virus they just make hackers try harder and then u get ur computer trashed

Sorry,but i can’t tell what you need from your post.

ok…sorry i was a little rushed before ummm basically what i need to a way to get into my hotmail. i can go anywhere in nine MSN and i can even get into MSN messenger which means there is nothing wrong with the hotmail account. i can also get to the page where im ment to put my user and pass in but as soon as i hit " log in " the " script blocker kicks in and the page wont load even when the program is turned off the script blocker is still running thats why i think this anti-virus is a virus and pretty sneeky one not letting any others in while it dose damage.

ok if you still cant follow after this post give me 20 mins till my next computer class

on second thoughts dont worry il just ditch the prog when i get home…and i suggest that everyone else dose to

Hm,i tested in IE with enabled Script Blocking and it logs normally to my MSN account. Check your system for spyware and also check it for viruses with some online scanner. You might also wanna check your firewall settings (if you have one). List of spyware cleaners and online antiviruses can be found here:

I have no problem signing in with script blocker either, are you sure you have 3rd party cookies enabled and java/active scripting.


Hi there,make sure you have not de-activated INTERNET EXPLORE section as follows- go to TOOLS and look at the settings if set to(WORK OFF-LINE) set to (WORK ON-LINE) this stopped me the other week from being able to sign into MSN!,i accidently was saving bookmarked pages off-line and forgot to re-inact WORK ONLINE.Hope this helps as a try,the other thing make sure that your AVAST is set up properly and is not blocking access to MSN or any other programs that you have like a FIREWALL BLOCKING ACCESS to MSN.

best regards

deep purple
::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: