How can I check incomming Entourage Mails?

Hi all

I know Avast from WinXP and it worked perfectly. My incomming mails were checked, updates were downloaded automatically.
But now with MAC OS everything is different :cry:

I can’t check my incomming mails, since I don’t use Mail, but Entourage.
Can somebody tell me, if it’s possible to get support for Entourage? If yes, how can I set this up in Avast?

Thanks a lot

Currently Avast only supports Apple Mail.

direct support is provided for standard Apple Mail only.
But, as Avast understands MIME and the format of stored mails, as long as the mail is placed somewhere to disk, when received, at least after-close detection will detect potential malware inside.


Dear both
Thank you, this helps :wink:
Do you know if Entourage will be supported in the near future?

we’ll have look at it, because this mail client is, as it seems, gaining popularity between Mac users.
