How can I find out when the last scan was run in the free version?

I have Windows XP Pro SP-3 & Avast free. I can’t find anywhere in the interface where I can see when the last scan was run (I know I can’t schedule scans in the free version). What am I missing?
Thank you in advance!

(I know I can't schedule scans in the free version)
Yes you can (unless something has happend) ... anyway schedule is not that important

Your AV has realtime protection, meaning it is monitoring (scanning) evrything that goes on in your computer when it is on in real time

Scroll down to Review scan history

FAQ >>

Not entirely sure if that link is ok for avast 18.8, the last supported version for XP.

This is from my XP Pro system running 18.5.2342:
AvastUI > Protection > Scans > Scan History, that should list your scans.

Thank you for your reply. I have version 18.8.2356. Although the interface is somewhat different than yours, I was able to find the Scan History button. When I clicked on it, Avast said there was no scan history, although I ran a Smart Scan 2 or 3 times since downloading Avast. I’m doing a full scan now, to see if that changes, but it’s a little bit puzzling. I’ll wait to see if it lists a scan after I finish the full scan.

I don’t know if the Smart Scan would be the same as other scans given that it is made up of multiple scans

Ensure that you have the Generate Report file in the Scans settings, this could have something to do with it. You could also try running one of the more conventional scans (as you are doing) and see it that is in the scan history.

The Smart Scan doesn’t show up in Scan History on my Premier installations, Quick Scan yes as well as scheduled Scans, for example, a Full Scan

Thanks for the clarification, I rarely run on-demand scans, smart or otherwise.

No problem David. I imagine it’s the same in the Free version :slight_smile:

Thank you all for the clarifications. After the full scan, it did show up in the scan history. And I did find the option to schedule scans, so wherever I got the information that you couldn’t do that in the free version is wrong.

You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.