How can I make my Browser urlbar only show things I've typed?

I have changed the about: thing - MatchOnlyTyped to TRUE but it still shows bookmarks.

Which browser is this?


Oh, then I’m sorry as I can’t help you…

Have you already looked through the settings if there is something like “always show favourites/bookmarked”… or something like this?

But I’m sure someone else will be able to give you an answer soon. :slight_smile:

Nothing in options =)

In IE8 I see all my History and Favorites when I click the down arrow Show Address Bar Autocomplete.

I don’t suffer from F.O.M.S. nor S.H.Y.N.E.S.S. nor G.R.I.P.E.S neither:

I’ll never use IE ever :stuck_out_tongue: Firefox will always be my best. I tried disable auto complete but it didn’t do anything. And those FOMS SHYNESS GRIPES videos won’t load =o

You don’t say what version of firefox you are using, I’m using 3.0.11 and when I start typing in the amazing address bar ;D it uses predictive selection, where a drop down list appears based on a) sites I have typed before or b) visited and have bookmarked.

This is a default action which is based on I guess, a) History and b) your bookmarks, so if you are clearing your history you would lose an element of this predictive lists functionality. See images 1&2 I only have 6 displayed in the list but it contains more and you can scroll down.

Hi, not sure if this helps. I use Opera mostly. :slight_smile:

I am using firefox 3.5 B4. Its not doing it now but it still shows history =/

I think that if you haven’t already done so report it to the bug reporting function.