Please tell me how can I remove that introduction that comes when you first run Avast! Simple User Interface. If I click on “Don’t show this window next time” an error message appears: There’s an error in script on this page etc. Is there any other way to remove that introduction? Maybe by editing avast4.ini file?
Thank you!
Im sorry if this a bad way for you and wasting time but this is only the idea i have which is
1.Repair avast going Control Panel> Add or Remove Programs> Avast> Repair(If you cant find it tthen scroll down)
2.Uninstall avast> Reboot> Reinstall avast> Reboot
(Sorry rassel) Not necessary to repair or re-install. As you suspected just edit the avast4.ini file (and when the self-protection module nags you just say “Yes”).
Please see this thread for details.
Not necessary to repair or re-install. As you suspected just edit the avast4.ini file (and when the self-protection module nags you just say “Yes”).
Thanks for that alanrf.