how can i remove this program…I’ve tried but it will not go away…my email outlook express sucks now and i cant hardly ever get in and i cant email any pix or files…
use avast uninstall utility
but before you remove avast…have you try running the mail wizard or try manual config for mail protection?
Yes, you can use the Mail Protection Wizard to remove avast! protection from all your e-mail accounts - if you have any problems with them.
Like shgoh said… he just needs to run Mail Protection Wizard, define his SMTP and POP servers, and that’s it. It will solve all his problems.
Disabling avast! or God forbid, uninstalling avast! won’t solve his problems…
Oh, yeah… almost forgot… he needs to start On-Access Protection Control (ON-Access scanner), just click on blue ball with letter “a” inside - next to your system clock, then click on Internet Mail icon on the left side. When icon is marked (blue) click on CUSTOMIZE. Now click on HEURISTICS tab and set your SENSITIVITY to MEDIUM.
I’m 100% sure it will solve rruner5’s problems
rrunner… do not give up… you found the best antivirus and you can lost everything uninstalling it…
If you need help just let us know 8)
The email wizard does not solve everything. I’m ready to uninstall this program too.
When I run the email wizard it changes all the settings in my Outlook Express, and my email server won’t let me connect. So Avast’s settings are screwy to say the least. I’ve been messing with this thing for the last 3 days and now I’m tired of it. How do you uninstall it? The add remove programs feature?
;D Sounds like a user error to me ;D
However, the easiest way I have found to remove it, is to double click the installer, it will find Avast and ask you if you want to remove.
Well, it’s not only that my email server won’t let me connect , no matter what setting I use it won’t scan my hotmail accounts coming into my Outlook Express. I’ve tried everything under the sun, and even looked through all the help files and nothing seems to solve the problem.
If I can get the email scanning to work, I’d be more than happy to keep the program, but with so many email accounts the email scanning is important to me.
The hotmail accounts are not scanned even in the automatic mail protection wizard.
I have the same accounts listed in incredimail, with the same problem.
When I double click on the blue ball, and look at the number of emails scanned, it does’nt even match the number of emails recieved under the accounts that are protected.
If you have said that before…
avast cannot protect any other kind of email accounts than the pop3/smtp ones. This is on the help files very clearly.
I think the only way to protect hotmail accounts is a good configuration of the Standard Shield (High sensitivity) or use a third part application to download hotmail through a pop3 server.
Also, Outlook Express is not a very secure email program.
You might want to consider using something different than Outlook Express. Try Thunderbird e-mail. Good program.
Well… first of all… email wizard SHOULD change all those settings in OE, otherwise there is no point to run it - how logical is that ?
You said you’ve been messing… don’t mess, you should fix the problem.
Advice: be more patient and calm yourself down. Nothing good from rushing. Take it easy and everything will be ok. Do you really believe that these 4000 (and more) registered users (even 10 times more unregistered), all having those problems and still use avast! ? No, they fixed their problems. We can not give up just like that if we find some problem… we need to work on solution. If avast! users still have problems, they are here to ask for help. It’s not shame to ask, shame is to have problem and be stupid enough not to ask anyone for advice. Where do you think we all would be today if we rejected avast! as our best antivirus tool ever on every single problem that we found ? Life is also not easy, must not give up… it’s not easy, but it’s not impossible to survive. Every single problem has it’s solution… avast! problems too…
I gave advice to rrunner5 just with one intention - to help that guy. Everyone else that had similar problem, solved that problem buy restarting Mail Wizard and redoing whole procedure from the scratch… Also, it would be great if we can hear from that guy again, does this solve his problem… it’s not nice to ask for help and then when everybody try to help you, you just disappear… at least we deserve to know if he still has same problem. Right ?
Cheers !
Dear Sasha,
I know that deep down, you tried to help him. That alone is it’s own reward. Most of us on here know that.