how can I remove Win32:Trojano-3295 [Trj]?!

I turned my computer on and suddenly avast! popped up this virus alert saying that a virus tries to connect internet, it found

Win32:Trojano-3295 [Trj]

and the path is

C:\Documents and Settings\Aki Pulkkinen\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\K9MJOPMZ\gdnFI1391[1].exe[Yoda]

VPS version :0603-3, 18.01.2006

Avast! can’t remove it because it says it’s in use or something and it can’t be put to quarantine… I’d be really grateful if someone could help me with this one. :-[

Try clearing your browsers Temporary Internet Files/cache.

What is your OS?
If XP or Win2k, schedule a boot-time scan from within avast.
If Win98 or WinME, boot into safe mode and try do an avast scan in safe mode.

I have XP home edition and servicepack 2. thanks for advice! I’ll try the boot-time scan. let’s hope it works!

It should do as the file shouldn’t be in use.

Welcome to the forums.

It worked! thanks for the tip. :wink: