How can i translate Avast! in my language?

Is it possible to translate Avast! in my language or i need some special program to do this,and where are stored all the strings?
I translated some small programs and i’d like to translate Avast! too. If its allowed :slight_smile:

Ok i found boot-scan strings and translated them.

Well, it is allowed (in fact, we certainly are interested in program translations) - but it’s not as easy as it may seem (besides, it’s a lot of work - avast! is not really a “small program”).

The strings are stored in multiple files - most of them in the resources of the DLLs in the corresponding language folder (e.g. directory “English” in the avast! installation directory - Lang.dll, Base.dll, Mai.dll).
If you had a resource editor, it would be possible to translate them using it - but it certainly wouldn’t be very comfortable. I could send you the source .RC files, together with some info about it - but it’s not much better.

For an easy translation, we have purchased a special software - it packs all the resources into a small package; the translator downloads a special free version of this tool that makes it possible to open and translate the package. However, we have 5 licenses for this tool (which means that it cannot be used by more than 5 people simultaneously at a time) - and I’m afraid we cannot start the Slovenian (is it the language we are talking about? ;D) translation (using this tool) right now, since the licenses are currently used for other languages. However, if you want to try with the resource files, it is possible.

Note: the strings in the boot-time scanner should not use any special accented (non-English) characters; they are not available when the boot-time scan is performed.

Ok i can wait,so other can finish their translation.
Boot-scan translation was very easy,because its just a plain text.
I just need to test it if everything looks fine.
I’ll try translating everything else with UltraEdit…

RejZoR, if you need, in the future, to share some experiences about the translation, feel free to email me…
I translated avast! into Portuguese (Brazilian). Like Igor said, it’s time consuming but a fantastic experience 8)

No,i already tried.

Ups… deleted the post…

Well i sad:
Can I edit it in a hex editor…

Oh well, to bad then;)

Why didnt you guys make the lang. files txt’s? Its 50x easyer to translate. You could have puten the subroutines onto a diferent dll and it would be solved? (just a thouth)

They have special program for translation,but its currently in use by others,so i have to wait until then.

Translators, take a look here. ;D

Even if we could create the “txt” language files, it wouldn’t be exactly easy to use the content of the translated .txt file back to generate a new language version of avast. (Most of the) language-dependent content really are in separate DLLs, the avast! code is elsewhere. However, these DLLs contain so called “resources”. If you want to (try to) translate the resource files (RC format), I can send them to you. If you have a resource editor (such as MS Visual Studio), it would be quite easy to edit. You can also use an ordinary (text) editor - but you would have to know what parts of the RC file to edit and what parts to keep intact - it contains many identifiers, flags, etc - that shouldn’t be modified.

Using the special translation software I mentioned above, it’s 50x easier to translate than translating TXT files. ;D As I said, however, we don’t have free licenses right now.

Ok i found the way :slight_smile: So far so good with no complications,but i can get this only as replacement for ENGLISH files (Slovenian strings replace English ones,all other stuff is left intact).

Can i use Slovenian extra characters or i can use only english characters?

RejZor, as far I know, you can use extra characters…
Although I translated avast! using the ‘normal’ way: HTML code for the help files, txt editor for tooltips, and Passolo application for dialogs.
But probably they would be able to import that characters anyway…
If Igor does not say anything, I think it’s posible.

Aha,interface is almost translated,here comes the biggest part hehe

And what about help file and so on? Will i translate that too or how is with that?

Oh and when i used special characters, i got ? instead,but i think this is limitation of the translation program…

May I know a little more about the translation? :wink:
Besides, isn’t there some kind of duplicate work happening here, regarding this thread?

Hehe it might be :wink:
I like translating programs from english to my native language,so i’ll do it even if someone does this before me :slight_smile:
Anyway,i translated half of the program in nearly one hour so i’ll probably finish translating today at late hours :slight_smile:

I’m currently on dialogs stuff,but here is a bit more work to do and to watch out for dialog variables,so i won’t break something hehe

Ok its gonna take a bit longer…
…lots of dialogs to edit…

Btw, wouldn’t it be better to somehow divide the work, if more people are working on it?

What tool do you use for the editing? I may have some remarks… like, it’s important to translate the text, but it’s not important to resize the controls. If the editing is done in the DLL files directly, the information on the control sizes will be lost anyway when we’ll import it in the translation program (in fact, the only thing that will remain is a “dictionary”). It would be better to use the source RC files… but it may require other tools to use.

Well this translation would be more patch than a real translation (ENGLISH folder remains on its current location with all the files inside,they’re just replaced with translated ones).
All translations done in dll files were working correctly after i replaced them,including Boot-Time scan strings,i just encountered new program version update window for now…

Problem with limited text space was also solved with alternative usage of words with the same meaning :slight_smile:

I can also create full auto-patcher for this language pack,so there is no problem,i just need to finish translation :wink:

Well, I was just trying to save you some work…
It is not really necessary to fit all the translated text into “English” controls - most controls can be resized, many (though not all!) windows can be resized as whole.

Good day!
We can translate to Ukriane, but I see its “big problem” :slight_smile: May be, tray use “gettext” system?!
What You say?