How can I upgrade ADMN to a newer build?

Got now 4.7.531 >:(

Avast! website announces 4.7.657.

How can I upgrade the software?

Performing a sync with the mirror or manual updating the clients won’t work? Sorry, not an expert on ADNM version…

You can try this on your AMS Server:

Add/Remove Programs → avast! Management → Update

Add/Remove Programs → avast! Management → Update

That option doesn’t exist >:(

Start → Control Panel → Add/Remove Programs → avast! Management Tools

From the ADNM Administrator Guide:

8.4 AMS/Console Updates
While maintaining regular updates is most important for the local clients (the antivirus agents), it is also a good idea to keep the AMS and the console(s) up to date. AMS and console updates are released every couple of months. They are always released at the same time and share the same version number. This section will guide you through the AMS/console updating procedure.

Updating the AMS is difficult because it involves updating the SQL server database. If the database format (tables, stored procedures, etc.) has changed, this requires transforming the data to the new format. Updating typically results in some downtime and may require a reboot of the server. Therefore, it is wise to schedule the update for off-peak time—non-business hours, weekends, etc.

Use the following steps to update the AMS and the console:

  1. Shut down all the consoles that are running.

  2. Update the AMS. Open Control Panel (directly on the AMS), Add/Remove Programs, and go to the “avast! Management Tools” entry. Click the Change/Remove button next to it. A dialog will be shown. One of the options in the dialog is Update. Click Next to start the update. You can first try the Check Updates button, which will give you information on the version numbers (current version and the latest version available for download). After the update completes, you may be requested to reboot the server. Confirm with OK and let the server reboot.

  3. Update all the consoles. Follow the same procedure as for the AMS update, but this time on the machine(s) to which the consoles have been installed.

Please be sure not to run any of the consoles before the update is complete, that is, between updating the AMS and updating the consoles. Otherwise, there will be a version discrepancy, and the program may not work correctly.

  1. Optionally perform a program update of all the network agents using an Updating task. This will ensure that all components of the system are up-to-date.

Regards. :wink: