How did someone get my email if Vlk,Igor,Tech or Senior Person

Hi ! I just received this email and I don’t have my email check off for people to view and I just got this email it said,

Subject: From Avast! Webforum

Personal Message from hvyrmtl1
Important : Remember this is just a notification. Please do not reply to this email.
Message was: hi im just wonderingif you know weither or not avast will work windows xp pro 64bit edition, or if you know where it can find this info.

Personal Message
http:// forum php? action = pm;send f = inbox;
pmsg = 23116;quote; u 16591

If someone can pls explain why I got this I would apprecate it.

No one has your e-mail.

In Short: when you register in the forum, you enter your mail, after that your mail is shown only if you wish. When you receive a PM(Personal Massage) the server automatically send an e-mail to your mail to inform you that you got new PM. That’s all. You can turn off that from your profile settings :wink:

Thank you X.M.A.S. but my email has been hidden for almost for two years and I have not changed it and I just checked my profile and it still shows “hidden.”

Yes your e-mail is hidden for the users, but not for the server :wink:

There are basically two occasions when you will be sent an email and you have to opt-in for both of them so you need to check your profile settings.

  1. Check your profile again and you will find that you have under the Notifications and emails section, you can be sent emails to notify you of replies to topics that you have listed to notify/monitor for new posts.

This can be for threads that you start, contribute to (post) or simply would like to monitor (click the Notify button at the bottom of the topic).

  1. Under the Personal Message Options, there is also the PM notification, if someone sends you a PM the web board will send an email notifying you of the PM.

Your email isn’t disclosed to anyone.

Hi DavidR

Thank u for your help. I was wondering if I put check marks where u show will I still get a email if I write into the forum on my topic and I still receive a email to let me know that there is a new VPS.
To be honest with u if u read the email that was sent to me I never had that for a topic I never ask any questions like that. I only use Windows 2000 and where it came from is from the nick hvyrmtl1 that is why I am so confused in where it came from and why?

Lava, I’ve checked and your email is not on my address book. I have 24 emails of avast forum members but not yours.
I think that should be only the notification of an IM by that member, did you receive an IM from him?

Hi Tech Nope I am just wondering how this person got it. I only use MSN and nobody has that.

What I can’t understant is the title of the thread… What are Vlk,Igor,Tech or Senior Person related to this email?
Or you’re just asking us about it? Remember that I’m just an user like you 8)

I am just asking u guys because I feel u guys know more than me and that u might know why I would get this. I am not saying u guys sent but I am looking for advise and why this person would do this.

OK, now I have one little stupid question for lava1 ::slight_smile:
lava1 - do you know what are PMs ( Personal massages, IM) and for what are they used?
I know that this question is a little stupid, but I had to asked it, because from his posts I understand that he don’t know ::slight_smile:

PM is Private Message and IM is like Messenger maybe u should tell me I don’t thinks so

Sorry for the stupid question!
Well PM and IM here in the forum is the same :wink:
PM means IM, and IM means PM.

This user just send you an IM and that’s all. It happens, for example I had received such an IMs too, in IMHO these are just forum users that are looking for help and are too shy to post a topic or something.

Thanks for your Help X.M.A.S I won’t worry about it Ijust trying to understand how they got my email address to help them and I don’t know them.

Your welcome lava1 ;D

As I already said, no one has your e-mail! The user “hvyrmtl1” has send you an IM (here in the forum) and the forum server has automatically send you a notification about the IM(DavidR has explained you how to turn off these e-mail notifications) on your e-mail ( the forum server has your e-mail from your registration form :wink: ) .
You can answer this user here in the forum with IM too and he will get your message :wink:

He didn’t get it (your email address that is), he sent you a PM via the PM function in the forums. The forum software then notified you that you have received a PM, there would be a link to reply to the PM or you can see the Message total should have 1 unread message (this depends on which forum theme you are using).

You have not, I repeat NOT been sent an email by “hvyrmtl1” you have been sent an email by the web forum software, it acts as an intermediary to notify you of the PM. Neither of you can communicate directly by email, unless you display your email or give it to him.