How do I deal with remaining bugs?

How do I deal with viruses that remain after I have run through a complete scan, set at standard level? How can I remove these remaining viruses that I have been informed are still in the system?
I have Avanti home edition downloaded onto my computer.

What do you mean exactly?
Are you seeing the report file and there are files infected?
Or, on contrary, are you refering to the system files on the Chest? ::slight_smile:

Hi, Llama!
Thanks for respnding to my question!
When I click on “chest” and see “All chest files,” I see these things listed:
It says the same thing when i click on the “system” button in there.
When I click on “infected files,” no viruses are leisted in there.
But I do get told of viruses being present, right after running a scan through. One is running now, so that I can tell you what I see after the scan is done.

Hello, I’m not Llama… :-[
By your information, your Chest are clean and the system files are there just for security (backup) reasons. No worry.

Debby, take care, see if the files are really infected or password protected, access denied, etc. The state of the file could be clean (not infected) and the file is listed there just to inform its state 8)

One of you just said that my chest is clean. Then why am I unable to run my scandisk? It complains there is a program running in the background whenever I try to run the scandisk. Doesn’t that mean I have a virus?

Of course not! Thanks God you’re wrong!
You do not have virus. You’re clean.

Scandisk were interrupted by background Windows operations (processes).
What is your operational system?


To run Scan Disk you may have to disable all running programs with the exception of “Explorer”. You can press the 1. control, 2. Alt, and 3. Delete keys in that order. You should then get a “Close Program” pop up window listing the programs that are currently running. You then left click and highlight one of the running programs. When that program is highlighted then go to the End task tab, left click on it. The program may immediately at that point disappear from the Close Program box OR if it doesn’t usually in approx 15 secs a second Close Program box may appear. At that point click on the second box “end task” button and at that point the highlighted program should disappear. You have to do this to all but the “Explorer” program entry. DO NOT delete that one. After removing all of the programs except the “Explorer” program you will most likely then be able to run Scan Disk successfully. HTH. Have a good day. :slight_smile: