How do I deal with threats individually?

I just installed Avast and ran a scan, and it tells me there are 3 threats but the only option is to “resolve all”. It doesn’t even tell me what those threats are. Some of them could be false positives. How do I see what it found and deal with them individually?

Avast smart scan video >>

support and FAQ (search and find) >>

avast blog >>

First I don’t know what you mean by Threats (a screenshot might help) ?
What were you doing at the time, if running a scan what scan was it (as this does make a difference) ?

Some scans, such as the Smart Scan, run multiple different scan and this makes a difference on what may be displayed. Some of these different scan could be a free (restricted) version of a component, say Cleanup for instance.

If the Smart Scan - I have been banging my head against a brick wall trying to get Avast to change this button, ‘Resolve All’ is an ‘Action’ phrase and the user doesn’t want to resolve what they don’t know.

If you actually do click Resolve All (from my prior testing) it does give more information, but nowhere as much detail I feel is needed/required. As you can see we need more information to try and give a detailed answer.

yes it was a smart scan. Don’t want to remove things blindly.

Screenshots can be attached here, see below the box you write in >> Attachments and other options

There is nothing to remove as your screenshot say no virus found.

Watch the video. You don’t remove them blindly.

As I mentioned you aren’t removing them blindly, the name of the Button needs to be changed so as not to scare people away from using it.

If you look at the top of your image, you will see a Bell icon with a blue ball and figure 2, this is the Notifications area and should also give you a little bit more information.

Thanks for the info, but there still doesn’t seem to be a way to select which issues to resolve in each category. It seems to be an “all or nothing” option.

That I fear may be because the element/component is a paid option, that however would be a guess as there is no detailed information.

You would have to post a screenshot of the information after clicking Resolve or using the Notifications area that I mentioned before.