How do I disable the Introductory Help page that is displayed when you Start the Simple User Interface (S.U.I.)? Avast 4.1 Home
I have ticked the check box in the bottom left of the window (Don’t show this window next time.) but it has no effect, it pops back up the next time I start S.U.I.
I have looked in the avast4,ini file and can’t see any reference to it.
Is there somewhere (filename) that the setting is stored not to auto display of the Introductory Help page (so that I can change it)?
Recent install (9 days) Avast 4.1.396 Home on WinXP Pro SP1a fully updated.
I couldn’t find anything relating to a setting, though there must be something, having ticked the box, the value must be stored somewhere otherwise it would reappear for everyone.
Thanks Technical, the ‘ShowHelpCheckList’ was not in the [Simple] section of avast4.ini, it is now.
Just going to re-boot after this post, I will let you know what happens later.
Last night I, did and Add Remove/Change removed providers not in use, followed by a Repair, no difference. So, I uninstalled avast, rebooted, cleared the registry (RegCleaner), rebooted and re-installed, no change to current situaton.
I have IE6 fully updated, although I tend not to us it in preference to Avant 9.02 build 021 (set as my default), I also have FireFox 0.8.
I thought there had to be something in the avast.ini settings, there was just no reference in [simple] of ‘ShowHelpCheckList’ prior to your mention of it and my adding it.
So no matter how many times I checked the box, there was no entry in [Simple] for ‘ShowHelpCheckList’ that could be updated.
David, any value of the avast4.ini file can be manually edited or added. Some of them will work only if you have the Professional version but none of them will harm your avast Home installation
Thanks for that, the only problem when you don’t know what you can add and in what section - I would never have known the objectname/itemname to enter without your help.
Is there somewhere we can access these hints/tips (wher did you find out)?
Thanks for the link Pavel, I had a look at the info and it is no big surprise about MS Updates screwing with things, unfortunately, I aready had the hotfix (Q811630) installed, I am not sure if it was before or after the installation of avast. I dont suppose it will do any harm to re-install the hotfix.