This may bsound crazy - but there is no place that says “Start Scan” etc … really need help fast. Just registered (again) so I am okay on that. Using the free Avast and Windows XP - Outlook 2003.
First avast is a resident scanner so it is permanently scanning files as they are accessed.
To do an on-demand scan (one you initiate) right click the avast icon, select Start avast! Antivirus. A memory scan will first be done and if that is OK the Simple User Interface will pop-up. This is a skinned interface and the default looks like a media player.
See image, to select Local disks and start the scan. The best bet is to move the mouse pointer around to that various buttons/icons and hover over them a tool tip will tell you what they are. You should also check out the avast help file.
Well… how fast do you want help? 8)
Welcome to avast forums.
Yes, for someone who really needs help fast they haven’t replied very fast ;D ;D
So I have to assume my help was spot on and mylan doesn’t need any more help ;D
@ Tech
mylan has been on the forums since April 2007.