How do i downgrade from Avast Internet Security to avast free?

So I am tired of many issues happening in my pc since the installation of avast internet security… i wanna downgrade. How do I do it?

One way is to uninstall what you dont want and install what you do want :wink:

That’s what I did. I thought Avast team would do my life easier and put an easy way to do it via the settings but looks like they don’t care about their customers so yeah I am back to avast free. peace

You should be able to do it from the settings. AvastUI > Settings > Components and you can remove individual installed components.

amazing what you find if you ask google :wink:

Yes that is another way, though not as flexible as what we have already suggested. Going down to the free version, the OP would be subjected to ads for other avast programs. Also there may be other components not available in the free version that the OP might want to keep.

Remove individual installation components? Are we in year 2005 or 2017? They should do it possible by one click via the settings if they really care about their customers

Once you get into the settings > components then it is essentially one quick on the uninstall component.

In a UI there is not much hope of anything being within one click or it would be massive and probably a bit of a mess.

The opposite. If you do the UI simple to use and easy then your customers will be happier. I don’t see what’s the problem to add a single button “Go back to Avast free” and that’s all? We are in 2017

That’s is precisely the problem, you can’t design a UI to suit all users, so at best it is going to be a compromise.

I don’t particularly like this UI (like many others) lots of things are buried deep into the UI and trying to cater for all users paid and free into one UI is never going to be intuitive.

Hell for ages we have been asking for the right click (context) menu of the avast tray icon to be modified to provide more/easier access to commonly used areas. We are still waiting for that and it is something avast said would be looked at. Well it looks like they are still looking, not doing.

Even the Settings > Components is bugged… I tried to install SafeZone browser and quess what happend? its stuck on installing…