How do I download and install skins?

Self explanatory really, what’s the best way I can download new skins, check them with avast etc. (just normal routine for checking all files I download) and then install?

notdarkyet. :slight_smile:

PS I’ve been unable to use emoticons or view previews of my posts today, wonder what’s wrong there?

EDIT: I worked out what was wrong, I’d set my security setting to disable Java and since the emoticons use Java (I assume) they couldn’t display, so really a problem of my own making. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not big deal, really. The skins are located on this here: . To download AND install them, all you have to do it (left-)click the ‘Download’ label. That’s it.


I don’t like things installing on my system without the chance to scan it first (I’m sure downloads from avast sites are fine, but I’d like the chance to scan all the same). Is it possible for me to right-click the download link and choose “Save Target As…” and save it to my desktop? What do I need to do then to finish the installation?


To fnish the installation, just double-click the (local) file in the Explorer. avast has association with the file extension so it will recognize the file and install it accordingly.


Thanks for being so patient with me Vlk, I have to say this is one of the most helpful forums I’ve been on and it gives me confidence in avast knowing there is such firm CS behind it.

PS I’m really liking the “Red Circle” skin, it was the first one I downloaded. :slight_smile: