I noticed that many users have country flags.
How do you get one?
I noticed that many users have country flags.
How do you get one?
I think you need to have 20 post before you can add anything to your profile
Well you can do it from your initial registration, I don’t know if it is available of one of the very few options in your profile that you can change.
If it is then Open your profile, Forum Profile Information and the Please select your country:, select from the drop down list.
If not then you have to wait until you get 20 posts.
Guess I’ll have to wait, not far to go.
Can’t get my head round this 20 posting rule for flags,signatures and goodness knows what else. Can appreciate it might encourage participation in the forums but more likely it could encourage pointless postings, like this one I guess ;D
It is more an antispam thing, it attempts to prevent spammers registering for the forum, and editing their profiles to be full of links…if they don’t post, then it is hard to keep track of.
For me though the main reason is the blocking of Personal Messages. Since someone needs 20 posts before they can send a PM, spammers cannot register, and start spamming everyone through PM’s…
The only problem is that when the do register, they can still post…until they are caught that is…though generally the mods are fairly quick on this.
Thanks for the info, oh yes and the opportunity to make another post!
Just one more to go!
Ah made it!
Please go to PROFILE then Modify Profile then Forum Profile Information then Signature: and put information about your system just like my signature about your system just like my signature and DavidR’s signature so that the helpers can offer pertinent advice.
G’day Pommy ;D now we know where you come from, and would please give back the Cricket Ashes ;D
We’ve got to let them have it every now and again just to keep there spirit’s up ;D
would please give back the Cricket Ashes ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Gone back to where they belong, sorry
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
(…not really)
Hi guise i am new at this forum and i am also keen on to know that how do i get a country flag.
Then read the topic as it tells you how and the fact that until you have 20 you may not be able to.
You can do that initial stage. If you have time and have ability to create the new ideas with innovation then your post will be preferred.