How do I get an alert via Messenger to work?

I’m trying to set up alerts so it will work with messenger, but I can’t seem to get it to work. I’ve checked the documentation, and this forum. All I get is the error “Unable to send alert”.

How does one configure this?

Well, it has a couple of limitations:

  1. it only works from outside of the avast NT service (e.g. in a non-scheduled on-demand scan), not inside the service (i.e. on-access and scheduled on-demand) - unfortunately, this is a limitation of the messenger engine - it just doesn’t seem to be working in a context of system service…

  2. you must be logged on to messenger [passport] (avast doesn’t log you on)

  3. specify the buddy name to send the message to in the form of this e-mail address (not his nick) – like instead of God Wannabe

Hope this helps,

Ok, well that clarifies a lot. Too bad, because it would have been neat to get on-access alerts via Messenger from my system at home. Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to put up with old-fashioned email :wink:

Wow, GWB is on your contacts list?!? I’ve only got and! ;D