He means this one in the UI see attached or it may also popup on the auto update notification.
The short answer as long as you have XP you are going to get this cr4p, even if you don’t use IE8 as your default browser. Unless of course if you swallow the install Chrome cr4p I guess it will stop.
Yeah, you’re probably right. I naively believed that clicking on the ‘fix it now’ button without actually swallowing the install Chrome cr4p would have stopped the pop-cr4p… Obviously I was wrong.
It’s a part of an advertising campaign by avast!, along with the warning pop-ups now issued by Microsoft about the end of Windows Update security support for XP on April 8th, 2014. So avast! is not looking for an installation of Chrome in the first place. You’ve seen the former but not the latter?
Running Chrome really isn’t going to fix or lower risk of malware infections, IMO. Ditching XP will, or running a linux variant and dual booting that for internet use instead of XP, would be better. That way you get to keep your XP and run a more modern and safer operating system for the Internet.
Because I am (as many other people) a well informed and skilled user and aware of the risks and the measures to be taken against them, and because I don’t accept in any way the imposition to see an advertising inside a product I have paid, Avast can keep this advertising as it prefers, but Avast now is aware that at the end of actual licence period I will no more subscribe a renew and I will choose another product from some company that better cares comfort and satisfaction of its customers against merely marketing interests.
Looking forward to April 9th 2014 to see if my systems immediately gets infected and spontaneously combusts as per the many dire warning of doom to try and get people to upgrade to win8
It is not advertising per se. It’s a warning in advance of a well known end of support.
I know a lot of people who have adopted the same attitude as David, ho-hum the end
of support of XP. They too, can’t wait for April 9th to see how much malware has
invaded their machines. The ones I know are not that concerned. Exactly like David. :
By the way, I doubt that every XP user is aware of the so called deadline.
Another thing how often and how long do you stare at the GUI? ???
I do what I need to do then either minimize or close the GUI.
Just got a windows update notification - guess what they want to tell me of WinXP’s end of life - I didn’t install it as I suspect that it will just be a countdown timer, like there is on the KB (edit typo) page.
They are getting desperate, they have been trotting out this doom and gloom message for years (even before win8.x) in the hope that some would upgrade when win8 came out.
As far I’am concerned , very short time !!!
But we can see , you are not concerned , otherwise will you be happy to see along and each time* you boot xp , the same avast popup mess in your task bar ?
Edit:each hour for me
I think after 2 or 3 mess , every newbe understand very well what happen but have to live with it … the disc is scratched after all these same mess
Wise people do not ask for much more than not to be notified , obviously this is not the idea of avast
Avast Techs,
I’ve seen and understand the warning and I can choose what to do
myself. Since I pay for my Avast please give me a way to turn
off this warning.
THIS IS advertising!! Otherwise there wouldn’t be the suggestion to use only a product (Chrome) but there would be a generic suggestion to choose another safer browser choosing from the many available.
I really can not understand people who fail to see the evidence…
If it’s in the GUI and worded the way it is…it’s a warning/reminder message.
And there is no way a user can turn it off. The best solution short of avast
removing it from the GUI via a vps update is to not stare at the GUI.
You can, if you so desire, contact avast using this form.
Whilst this (popup issue) is unrelated to this topic, you can do as have been mention in many other related topics to disable the auto update notifications.