How do I know I have Netsky-z?

I’ve had feed back to say that I am infected and one server said that I have Netsky-z. My avast doesn’t seem to know about it when I run it and I can’t find the file that Netsky-z is supposed to hide in. (That doesn’t mean that it is not there is just means that I’m not computer competent).

I have downloaded the Avast virus cleaner and when it starts to scan the files after the first few files it jams, everything freezes so that I have to reset.

What does this worm do to the system and what should I do.

Will appreciate your help.

There is not enough information to be able to accurately say, if you have or haven’t been infected.

Do you still have another anti-virus program installed as this could cause a conflict.

Have you installed the avast program or only tried the anti-virus cleaner, I suspect the latter. Download and install the avast 4 home edition, after installation it will rewuire you to reboot and a scan will be carried out before windows opens fully.

I suggest you visit and read the Users-FAQ on the Off Topic Forum. This will give you more of an understanding of what we need to help you.

You could search these forums for ‘Netsky’ without the quotes.

Or search Google there is tons of information out there.

HTH David

Thanks for the reply.

I don’t have another ant-virus program installed and as far as I am aware I have fully downloaded and installed the 4 Home Edition . The virus cleaner is a separate download and this is the one that I have trouble running.

My dilemma is I can’t work out if I have this worm that I have been told I have and what damage I should be looking for. My anti-virus scanner gives me a clean bill of health and the virus remover doesn’t run.

Look forward to any advice.

You don’t have to work it out, avast should dectect it.

My dilemma is I can't work out if I have this worm that I have been told I have

Who told you? What were the circumstances that made them tel you?

You shouldn’t require the Avast Virus Cleaner, unless you come accross something that the avast program can’t deal with directly. Then you should get back to us if you have a problem.

Is there something happening that makes you suspect that you have a problem? If so do tel us, or search on the forums for that behaviour.

Run a full scan with avast 4 home again.

What did the boot time scan, report when it first ran after you installed avast, was there any infection?

Did you check out any of the information in the google search link I gave you or search the forums for netsky?

Did you visit the Off Topic forum, Users-FAQ thread?

The more feedback you give us, the easier it is to try and help you.