How do I locate what's in Sandbox?

Hi guys ok I know this is going to sound dumb :-[. Last week I reinstalled a program from the net, shortly there after got a notification Avast placed a piggie back software in sandbox. Ok so that was fine. Hoever I’m trying to go back to what was placed in Sandbox and can’t locate it on Avast’s control panel. OK so were is it?

the 2nd part of my question (please don’t respond to the 1 question) Avast is still giving me start up problems so I want to uninstall and reinstall it! But if what is in sandbox get’s deleted along with Avast I don’t know if it’s a critical process or not. OK so what should I do??? simply uninstall or find the program first and move it out of Avast before uninstalling, but how do I find the program?

you can check the sandbox content in safe mode. The folder is hidden (even if you set windows to show hidden files). It can be un-hidden but you’re better off leaving it as is, and go to safe mode :wink:

Autosandbox: File Shield > Expert Settings > Autosandbox
Sandbox: Additional Protection > Sandbox

Ok so now I’m confused by both response’s. Safe mode, do I check it from the control panel and follow the other replier instructions? Or do I find it on my Computer if so what file do I look for it in.

As I asked the other replier do I follow these instructions from the control panel in or out of safe mode?

Lastly my 2 question which was not addressed, If I leave whatever is in sandbox in and uninstall Avast - will that uninstall everything in sandbox? If I remember correctly it was a Java program but couldn’t find anything newly installed on my puter for java since 08, so it’s probably a rough program. However when I did a micro care one scan it came up with 3 java files marked as servier so I deleted it from the microsoft scan platform. Don’t know if Avast missed it or micro found it in sandbox?

Avast should include away to delete the Contents of the Folder for Auto Sandbox. Cause i have seen it and i seen a lot of files in it From What i have had Auto Sandboxed

avast does include a way to delete the sandbox content in AIS, it’s all there in the UI, advanced settings. No such thing in the free version. Auto-sandboxed stuff should be cleaned when rebooting though.

One last thing, uninstalling Avast delete the sandbox folders.

Was just checking the control center, as I seem to remember I had to download an uninstall tool from Avast’s site before uninstalling? but while I was looking I noticed that sandbox wasn’t available on Free version? so now I’m confused if it isn’t available than why is there a setting and why did I get a notification that something was moved to it?

Also, while googling for some fix’s before uninstalling I noticed several sites that are saying avastUI.exe may be a virus? don’t know if thats true or just other softwares promoting their products. But might explain the problems I’m having since installing 6.0

How to do an installation from scratch:

  1. Download the latest version of avast! Uninstall Utility and save it.
  2. Download the latest avast! version and save it.
  3. Uninstall avast from Control Panel (if possible). If, for any reason, you can’t run it, try booting in Safe Mode and doing it from there. Anyway, boot after that.
  4. Run the avast! Uninstall Utility saved on 1. If, for any reason, you can’t run it, try booting in Safe Mode and doing it from there. Anyway, boot after you’ve run it.
  5. Install avast! using the setup saved on 2. Boot.
  6. Register your free copy or add the license key for Pro. Or even upgrade your key from old versions.
  7. Check and post the results. If, for any reason, you did not solve, try doing the step 3 in Safe Mode anyway.

Besides, autosandbox is on free/paid versions, sandbox is only in the paid.

False. avastui.exe is a legit avast file (interface). They’re promoting their product… Shame on them!

OK so I downloaded & saved to my desktop both the uninstall utility & current version of Avast. Decided to uninstall in Safe mode to be safe :wink: rebooted than back to safe mode to reinstall as well. Ran a scan in safe mode too, just to be sure. But this is puzzeling me ??? after installing and the control panel came up, it appeared to be the same as what I uninstalled :o, said it was registered? same settings? and date & registration key as before! It changed after I rebooted to a blank control panel but If I used the utility to uninstall shouldn’t it have been clean from any trace of Avast? So I’m not so sure if it is a clean reinstall :-\

Nor do I think I’ve corrected the problem I was having, shortly after I open I.E or foxfire I hear my harddrive racing and it starts to over heat after some time. Very little CPU usage or memory except for Avast & svchost.exe and even when I close the browser they keep running.?