I recently got the Free Antivirus version and it appears that it doesn’t allow me to enter webpages -pages as safe as Facebook. It either partially opens them or not at all and only when I reload a few times it allows me to go on the page. When it comes to YouTube videos now, it just stops them; 1-2 seconds and they’re stopped. I know this is the case because when I deactivate it, I can access everything and watch videos just fine. How do I stop this?
Exact same problem here. I uninstalled previous virus program - properly - then installed AVAST - using CHROME youtube videos stop after a few secs and lots of pages wont load.
Terrible problems - have to stop the web shield to do most things.
When you re-installed avast was it a clean install? Did you reboot? Sometimes it takes two and sometimes three
reboots with an interval of time between reboots.
If it was a clean install try a repair…Control Panel>Uninstall a Program>double click “avast”>click “repair”>reboot
Well…I’ve uninstalled AVAST - then re-installed it - rebooted 3 times - and even after all this all CHROME you-tube videos stall after a few seconds of playing.
If I stop web shield it plays - if I start web shield it doesn’t play. I’ve played around with un-checking some of the web shield settings but even with them all un-checked I still get the same infuriating problem.
I know there’s lots of and lots of happy users out there, the reports of the program were generally very good, but this, my first introduction after a long time with another product doesn’t make me one of the happy majority.
EDIT: - Also, this is getting really problematic. This forum page will also halt - and CHROME will report that it’s stopped responding!
I have to stop the web shield to even click on a AVAST forum thread!
It seems these problems are directly connected to the web shield. OFF and we can click on these forum threads - ON and we can’t!
The windows C:\programdata\ folder is a hidden folder. You are going to have to modify your windows explorer settings to ‘Show hidden files and folders.’
Windows Explorer Menu > Tools > Folder Options > View > Files and Folders - Hidden Files and folders.