How do I now if Emupdater is working

HI I was wondering if I could ask a question I was wondering I have the lasted version of avast on this computer and today I went into the msconfig and under the Startup tab I found the emergency updater was under the startup tab but the box did not have a check mark in it. So I checked it and restarted the computer. Now that I have emergency updater checked in the startup tab in msconfig will Emergency updater will it work again. How can I find out if the Emergency updater is working for sure.

After I put the check in the box next to Emupdater for avast I did push the apply button and pushed ok and restarted the computer.

Thanks Avast team

avast! Emergency Update is installed as a Scheduled Task.

Open the list of scheduled tasks and you can see when it was last run, and when it is scheduled to run next.

I have not found any log that details what it did, or failed to do.

HI Thanks very much for your reply and advice have a good day