I need to renew my free subscription for Avast! antivirus… but can’t figure out how to do it.
I click on ‘Register’, which then opens a popup window.
I select standard protection which then opens another popup window.
I have to register with my Facebook login since that’s what I did previously (tried doing it by entering name / email but it tells me I have to use Facebook since that’s what I did last time).
I click ‘Register with Facebook’ and that bounces me over to Facebook, I get logged in and then it bounces me to my.avast.com
So, I end up on my.avast.com and can’t see where in that interface I can actually renew the registration.
How many days are left on your existing registration ?
If greater than 30 days, then the Registration section won’t have changed to accommodate re-registration.
Registration is currently via the avast program interface, not the my.avast.com account - avastUI > Settings > Registration.
…hopefully some luck by using the ‘Oflline’ registration flow from that screen… I got through to a confirmation screen via that flow, license email on it’s way hopefully
The letters that appeared after hitting the Alt key are keyboard shortcut keys.
Thankfully you have been able to get re-registered using the off-line option - I can’t understand what the nonsense is with having to use facebook. Perhaps if you had already logged on to facebook before trying to re-register might have worked.
I don’t use facebook so I haven’t come across this nonsense when re-registering.