How do I see what software is outdated?

I have some software that I don’t want updated!. They have my credit card on file and all I have to do is download the new version and I will be charged. I’m tired of frequently updating All My Books (for a fee). There are also two Microsoft security updates (orig download 1/13/2016) that screwed up my Internet Explorer and I deleted them and I don’t want them downloaded again, etc…

How do I see what software Avast wants to update and where can I tell it to exclude that software?

In short, where are the details of what Avast wants to fix?

From the avastUI main screen > Scan icon - Scan For Outdated Software.

When this runs it will show all monitored programs, you can click the Ignore Updates if you don’t want avast to monitor that program.

Clicking on the Program name will also expand the version information.

Thanks, That worked!

You’re welcome.