I just upgraded an Avast Home version to Professional. I rebooted the machine, and started the Avast user interface via the Start Button → Programs → Avast! Antivirus → Avast! Antivirus
The interface comes up in Simple mode.
I’d like it to come up in Enhanced Mode so that I can use the Schedule a Scan feature.
How do I do this?
Here’s the version info:
avast! version 4.6 Professional on Windows XP Pro
Build: Jul2005 (4.6.691)
Xtreme Toolkit version
Using Active Skin version
VPS compiled 07/12/2005 version 0528-2
Did you enter the new Pro registration key?
Where you on-line when you did it as it should update to the pro version automatically allowing access to the Enhanced User Interface, as described above.